Monday, March 7, 2011

Dear Avalances, Blizzards, Sub Arctic Temperatures, Heartache, and BURGLARS, eff you!!!! WE WINNNNNN!!!

Oh, hello.

And you say we don't believe in rock and roll?? We've put our lives on the line for rock! We've faced the evil forces of nature, the evil forces of human nature....and come out victorious!!! The spirit of rock and roll compels us!!!

lord shreddy's giant balls! inappropriate?
So, first day on the road...we drive from Vancouver to Calgary. Lucky for us we give ourselves an extra day, or we never woulda made it. We sat for hours on the highway in the mountains due to avalanches, accidents, whiteout blizzards, and just general sketchiness. But 23 hours later.....VICTORY!! we made it to Calgary! 23 hours. And the news said the crossing could not be done. Yes guys, we peed in the snow by the side of the road a couple of times while stuck, our legs were stiff, and our moms and dads and record labels probably thought we were dead for a while there...but it was a small price to pay for making it alive!!

And when we got to calgary, there was a kitten with oversized balls (Lord Shready) ready to pounce on us in the night, and friends waiting to shot gun beers! Ah. Alberta.

frozen arctic hell
Next night we made it home to Edmonton...the frigid arctic hell that I've missed so much since moving to Vancouver (I'm actually serious...I never thought this was possible, but there you go!). Our friend was kind enough to lend us his about-to-be-demolished-Mansion for the night, and us and our Edmonton cronies Bonspiel played a very Rock and Roll party with some very Rock and Roll kids, complete with dancing, old friends, and broken hearts. Ah, homecomings! We got drunk and fell on the ice a lot, too.

Saskatoon, always wonderful!

And first, you were awesome. Until one of your burglars BROKE INTO OUR VAN. Now, here's the best part. You smashed our window, and all you took was an ipod. That window costs WAY MORE than that ipod. Gahhhhhh. Couldn't you have taken the butloads of cash that were in my bag? or my fancy camera?? or howbout those guitar pedals??? That would have made smashing the window a lot more punk rock. But no......miss all the valuable stuff. Take our tiny ipod. Sure. Whatever. ha!! I still say we won in this situation. Have to get a window fixed, but at least we still have all the band money!! And we'll still probably make it to the Minneapolis show. So suck on that!!!!!


Over and out.

Hot Panda: Winners.

A good time in shorts. The playhouse, Edmonton.

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